Sunday, August 8, 2010

Interior Design For Home

More than any other part of our home, how we use home accessories defines who we are. Accessories are an expression of our likes and preferences, our interests and hobbies, our hopes

Yes, there are ways to arrange accessories to create pleasant pictures. But what is pleasing to one person may only resemble a hodgepodge to another. Never worry about pleasing your friends and neighbors. This is your personal part of the earth, and only you have to be pleased and satisfied with the results.

Give display space only to objects you love

The only rule here it to give an object house space only if it is something you truly love and it makes you feel good, or makes you laugh, or brings good memories. If you are using an accessory around the house because it was given as a wedding present, or you inherited it from your great aunt, pack the item away. If someone you love has given you a perfectly hideous puce lamp that you hate, store it away until her next visit. Be sure and put it in a place of honor during the visit. It will make both of you feel good. After the visit, Banish It until the next visit!

Some basic guidelines for using home accessories

Below are some guidelines and ideas to help you get started in using home accessories to show off your creativity and personality. Once you arrange a few accessory pictures to please yourself, you will find this pastime is like eating M&Ms. You will find yourself looking for just the right bathroom accessory for that bathroom sink or a kitchen accessory to place on the shelf by the back door.

Nothing is set in stone

There is nothing easier to redo or replace than home accessories. Don't ever worry about doing things wrong. Nothing is a total disaster (unless of course you just put down $5000. for a piece of sculpture you totally hate so you could impress your boss!).

If you bought something you love and absolutely can't find a place to put it, pack it away. In another year, this might be just the piece you can use as you change accessories for another season or family celebration.

Consider changing your home accessories often

Which brings me to another point. Consider changing your home decorating accessories on a regular basis. A new season, a holiday, a special family occasion or visitor, are all reasons for changing accessories. Doing this on a regular basis keeps a freshness and excitement to your home. As people get a chance to see your favorite possessions in a new spot, they may be more apt to notice something they have overlooked before, or they may think you have bought a new item.

You will find that doing this also gives you a new appreciation of your treasures. As you handle them, clean them, and think about where to move them, you will revive good memories and feelings about how and why you obtained this item and why you love it.

Keep a storage closet for accessories that are not in use

By having a place to store unused home decorating accessories, you will be more apt to pick up an unusual piece or buy something you really love. Many times people pass up the perfect vase, or unusual candy dish because they feel they don't have the place to put it.

By rotating home decorating accessories on a regular basis, you know you'll be able to use that perfect piece somewhere at sometime, so go ahead and splurge on that gorgeous holiday candle, wonderful teapot, or special souvenir from your vacation, knowing you have a place to store it until it gets it's moment of fame.